Wednesday, January 23, 2008

January-The Month of Being Sick

Well, this month has been a really rough month for us. Both of the kids came down with RSV. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a respiratory virus that can be deadly if it is not taken care of. In older kids and toddlers it is not as severe, and it acts as a really bad cold with fever and throwing up. So that was managable, but when Bostyn started coming down with it, I was really worried. I knew what he was only going to get worse. I took him in to the doctor a few times, and paged him several times over the weekend. We were finally given a nebulizer to give him breathing treatments for the wheezing. The sad thing is that medicine really doesn't do too much to fight the virus. Thankfully, after we started the treatments we saw immediate results. I was still worried because his oxygen levels were at 90% and that was borderline with being hospitalized. So the worry-wart, me, took him into Primary Childrens' just to make sure that his breathing levels were still fine. Of course, they were but it was just a reassurance for us to know that he wasn't losing his oxygen. This all started 3 weeks ago, and we are still giving Bostyn the nebulizer treatments about 2 times a day now. I was sick with the same virus while the kids were sick and the accompanying ear infections, but in adults RSV is just a bad cold. So I thought we were getting through everything. All of us were getting better, and then I started to get sick with something different. I went to a doctor and he said I was fine, and then over the weekend I was miserable with pus covering my tonsils and throat. Every time I swallowed, I wanted to cry. So I got into the doctor on Monday thinking I had strep throat, but it came back negative. The doctor really doesn't know what I have. I went back on Tuesday for blood work, and something for the pain. He loaded me up with medicine and I am starting to feel better. My tonsils are not pus covered anymore, and they do not constrict my whole air way. Thank goodness. Gage started having the same symptoms I did, and I just cried for him because I knew that the pain was almost unbearable. I think my tears and prayers spared him from the illness, even though he had tempuratures reaching 103.6 and cold sweats the past 2 nights. He seems to be doing great now--his usual self--busy, busy, busy.


kdance said...

Holy cow, that STINKS!!! I am so sorry you and your boys have been so sick. That's so miserable. I hope that you're feeling better. I'm hoping that Evan doesn't ever get RSV. That's so scary. Poor little guys!

I'm so glad you have a blog now. I haven't updated mine for a couple of weeks because our computer has a virus. Hopefully soon, though.

Michael and Staci said...

I know first hand that RSV isn't fun! Nick got RSV a few weeks ago and they sent us home with a breathing machine doing 3 treatments a day. We went to the doctor 3 times in 1 week for check-ups. Poor kids!
Hopefully February is a healthier month for you and your family! :-)

Ashley said...

Oh my heck...I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself and this terrible cold I have right now but after I read that I am feeling a whole lot better!!! I hope things get better soon for you.

ps I am happy to see you blogging! I think it is my favorite way to go!