Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I am finally uploading some pictures onto my blog. I'm sure many have stopped visiting my blog, because you know I don't really update. That's okay, I uderstand. Life has been crazy this year. We've been through ups and downs with new jobs, lay-offs, and spending tons of time together as a family. Here are some pictures from the last few months in the Butler household. I'm not going to write a huge blog, so the pictures will have to satisfy:)


Easter clothes! Not very churchy, but certainly cute!

Mesquite-Easter hunt at the park

Gage and Cooper.

Trolley in Vegas

Circus Circus--we watched the acrobat show--it was pretty cool!

Melissa, Cameron, and Gage swimming in Vegas.

New Do!

Bostyn doing a scrunchy nose smile (with bugars:)

Gage finally got some church clothes. He gave his first talk in Primary and did a super job with it. He actually spoke into the microphone, unlike the others that followed him.

Matt and Amy (Dave's brother) went through the temple and were sealed to their little kiddos.


Michael and Staci said...

You are alive!!! I love all the pictures. Gage's church clothes are adorable and your new haircut is cute as well. I'm glad you are able to spend lots of time with family. It's fun to see pictures and know what's going on. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey lady! Glad to see you are still going along. Looks like you have a fun little family. Keep the updated coming!

Love Family said...

how fun! I love your new hair, wish I was brave to do something different!! Your little guy looks exactly like your husband!!! CRAZY! and I swear your mom hasn't aged since being my teacher in 5th grade!!! haha

Kristen said...

Hey! I can not believe how much Gage looks like Dave. How cute is that! You look like you are doing great. I am coming down in June and would love to get together sometime before I go. Let me know when you can and we'll work something out.

Carrie said...

IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU UPDATED YOUR BLOG!!! You would think you have been busy working or something :)
We can't wait to see you!!!! Two more weeks. Are you ready for us?

kdance said...

I'm so happy to see an update (although, you really need to fix the crazy spacing with the big gaps, ha ha!). Your hair is darling! Don't you love having bangs?? They're the best.

kdance said...

Wow, it's time to update, girl!!!!