Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Last night was my first night of playing soccer again! I was really nervous about the game, but it was so much fun!! I think the main reason I was nervous was that I was anticipating the same level of play that I last played at, and I am no where near that kind of shape. My mind eased up a little while I watched the game before mine, and I saw some ladies who looked really out of shape running and playing out there--and I thought if they can do it, so can I!!
It's been 4 years since I have played a game, and I'm so glad that I'm starting to play again. I actually played the whole game and felt okay. Of course there were times when I should have been somewhere to get the ball, or mark my player, but I just couldn't quite make it. That's the great thing about playing for fun--if you mess up, you can just laugh at yourself and keep playing! Before we started the game, I said that I would play any position except goalie and outside half back--and of course, what position did I play most of the game?? You guessed it--outside half!! I started out playing defense, but I switched with a girl who was playing half back because she was dying running back and forth so much! (She has a 7 week old baby!--there's no way I could have even jogged up the field in her position) Anyway, I switched her because I knew I could suck it up and do some running. I actually didn't mind playing there--I was able to be a part of offense and trying to score goals, and that was great! I had a few chances to score a goal on some corner kicks--but I missed; however, I actually made one on another attempt! So it was really great to get out there and play again!
I have another game tomorrow night and I have to go get some tape to wrap my ankels up some more. I have new ankle braces, but that's not enough. My ankles are so weak, I actually tweaked one last night--but after I get some tape I should be good to go! Oh, and thanks Mel for inviting me to play!!


Kelli said...

That's awesome Lys. I'm glad you're getting into again. You're so dang good and it will be such a fun hobby for you. It will probably end up being an outlet for you to get away from everything for a bit. I'm jealous, I want to get into something. I'm trying to talk Brock into buying me a bike so I can start mountain biking again. I'm ready to be active again!

kdance said...

Sweet action! Soccer Lesha is back! Love the pictures--especially the cracker in the hair. Classic!

The Wangsgard's said...

Hey Lesha, I'm so glad we get to play soccer together again. You looked like the same old Elyshia! I'm glad we could laugh at ourselves.

Ashley said...

I tried to play indoor this last winter! PFFT!! That was a serious joke I tell you. If I am going to get back into soccer again I need to start with outdoor instead. I about died when I realized how out of shape having kids can make you. So I truly feel your pain my dear! I think for now I will stick to long walks and the park. HAH! Hey at least it is active in some way.

Michael and Staci said...

I can't even IMAGINE you going 4 years without playing soccer. GO KICK SOME BUTT!!!!! :-)

Bryndie said...

I am glad you found my blog, it is amazing the people you meet up with through this thing. I have not played soccer since college, and don't really have any desire to. I wish i thought differently. Your fam is darling. I will add you to my blog, keep in touch!